Month: February 2021

  • Tetris


    OnLevelHighScoreDropsTotal2021-02-24 11:299084,00026284,262 See my other high scores.

  • Spring is just one month away

    Wear cotton for comfort and leather for looks, but if it’s warmth you want, put on the wool.Bob Joyce’s Norwegian Grandmother – StarTribune 2021-02-20

  • Record cold

    Record cold

    It’s been cold in Minnesota recently, like below zero cold, and we just missed breaking a record yesterday, but climate change is really hitting the rest of the midsection of the USA with record breaking cold that they just aren’t prepared for, especially in Texas where they were short 15-25 gigawatts for a couple of…

  • Super Bowl LV

    Insipid, boring, and stupid pretty much sums up the event. The game was boring (Big blowout for Tampa Bay), half-time was insipid (The Weeknd), and the commercials were stupid. There was only one commercial, for some hard lemonade that was mildly amusing. I did however see a new product I needed, a Pittbull skull shaver.