Sermon on the mountain bike

And it came to pass that a supernumerary responded to several angry letters in the Villager.  For these words came to him as he pedaled along an avenue:

Blessed be the bikers, for they are exercising and emitting no fumes.  (For it is written that their numbers shall increase and multiply, even in winter.)

Blessed be the pedestrians, for they brave the many vehicles which do not stop.

Blessed be the medians, for they shall save lives.

Blessed be the light rail, for in the long run it will bring new customers to University Avenue.

Woe unto ye fumers and speeders who want the whole road for yourselves!

(For it is not written that motor vehicles have inalienable rights to the whole road and cheap gasoline.)

And woe unto ye who defame Islam because, like Christianity and other faiths, it harbors men of evil deeds!

(For it is written that twisted men hijack all religions for their own purposes.)

Blessed be our citizens as we contend and compromise to make our city more livable!

letter to the editor by Dutton Foster, from Macalester-Groveland neighborhood, Villager, 13-October-2010

1 Comment

  1. And how many terrorist attacks are being carried out daily by Christians or other religions other than Islam? Not saying the religion is bad, but for some reason a large number of its followers take it to an extreme. And it’s not just the terrorism thing. For whatever reason, our government is walking on egg shells over anything regarding Islam. We are making exceptions for Islam while other religions suffer

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