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Not anymore

Found this on a backup CD.  The image had a date of 12-Oct-2001.  Guess George “Dubya” Bush shouldn’t have relied on cartoons like this to decide if invading Iraq was a good idea.
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Just one word: Plastics

We never were told by Mr. McGuire in The Graduate just what we were facing with his one word future, but now fourty years later, we have a little better idea…In 1968, at the dawn […]
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Drowning in trash

And Man create the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate and the disposable bottle, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile […]
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How’s your fuel economy?

I’ve always been concerned with the fuel economy of the automobiles that I purchase, because I remember sitting in those damn lines in the 1970’s during the oil embargo.  So the very first car I […]
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Assured mutual destruction

The following blurb was in the table of contents in Time, 1 October, 2007 issue under the item for the cover story, “Who owns the Arctic?”:With ice caps melting, competing nations see not catastrophe but […]
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Conspicuous consumption?

Do we really use up 426,000 cell phones a day?  What does this look like?  See “Running the Numbers: An american self portrait” at Chris Jordan Photography to see all manner of our consumption rates.
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Better than switch grass

In the Minneapolis Star-Tribune today, they printed a story about Black Jatropha a poisonous shrub that produces seeds with the potential for use as a biofuel.  It needs no fertilizer unlike corn (and soy), needs […]