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Loss of Fidelity

It seems like I have a minor loss of fidelity every time I use a Windows application; it makes me feel dirty.via email from Todd Bosch, Oct 21, 2009 15:17
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Real love pours itself out upon the object of its affection, without demanding any return.Florence Scovel Shinn
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Is Blu-ray dead

On 28 October 2008, Robin Harris at ZDNet wrote: Blu-ray is in a death spiral.  12 months from now Blu-ray will be a videophile niche, not a mass market product.With only a 4% share of […]
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Self importance is our greatest enemy.  Think about it – what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellowmen.  Our self importance requires that we spend most of our lives […]