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Zucchini Bread

Ingredients1½ cups white flour1½ cups whole wheat flour1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon soda¼ teaspoon baking powder1 tablespoon cinnamon3 eggs1½ cups brown sugar1 cup vegetable oil2½ cups grated zucchini1 teaspoon vanilla1 teaspoon almond extract1 cup raisins1 cup […]
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Solar Power

For the most part people don’t install solar just because they like the idea of clean electricity. They do it because they can make money.John Farrell, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Sierra, September 2011, Pg 50
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What’s the secret?

Saw this advertisement on the web yesterday:What’s her secret?  Looks like she got more than a Dirty Sanchez; maybe she was bobbing for turds.  I’m sure that is the secret to a better complexion…
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Lean Forward

WE DIDN’T PUT A MAN ON THE MOON BECAUSE SOME COMPANY THOUGHT THEY MIGHT BE ABLE TO MAKE A PROFIT DOING IT.  It takes vision to invoke the common good of the American people without […]