Getting to know you quiz

Cut and paste this into a new e-mail.  Then edit my answers and replace with your own.

  1. Were you named after anyone?
    No, I was named after the Jonathan apple.
  2. When was the last time you cried?
    When I watched Harold and Maude.
  3. Do you like your handwriting?
  4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
    Olive Pimento loaf.
  5. Do you have kids?
  6. If you were another person would you be friends with you?
  7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
  8. Do you still have your tonsils?
  9. Would you bungee jump?
    Probably not.
  10. What is your favorite cereal?
    Right now, Post Selects Cranberry and Almond
  11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
  12. Do you think you are strong?
    Physically, No; Emotionally, Yes.
  13. What is your favorite ice cream?
    Zanzibar Chocolate.
  14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
    Their teeth.
  15. Red or pink?
  16. What is the least favorite thing about yourself?
    My weight.
  17. Who do you miss the most?
  18. Do you want everyone to send this back to you?
  19. What color shoes are you wearing?
    My red slippers from Old Navy.
  20. What was the last thing you ate?
    Stewed tomatoes.
  21. What are you listening to right now?
    Watching the movie Stargate
  22. If you where a crayon, what color would you be?
  23. Favorite smells?
    Blue cheese.
  24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
    Tommy Zerse.
  25. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
  26. Favorite sports to watch?
    Baseball, followed closely by the Tour de France.
  27. Hair color?
    It used to be brown, but now it’s mostly gray.
  28. Eye color?
  29. Do you wear contacts?
  30. Favorite food?
  31. Scary movies or happy endings?
    Happy endings, like the end of “Reservoir Dogs.”
  32. Last movie you watched?
    Stargate on demand, but went to see Juno yesterday.  You can always see my last movie here: Dr. Wingnut – Films
  33. What color shirt are you wearing?
  34. Summer or Winter?
  35. Hugs or kisses?
  36. Favorite dessert?
    Creme brulee, but Ice Cream will do in a pinch.
  37. Most likely to respond?
    Oh, you never know…
  38. Least likely to respond?
    You never know that either…
  39. What book are you reading now?
    Check What I’m reading now.
  40. What is on your mouse pad?
    No mouse pad, track ball.
  41. What did you watch on TV last night?
  42. Favorite sound?
    Theremin, piano, cello, and violin.
  43. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
    Beatles first, but I like both.
  44. What is the farthest you have been from home?
    From Saint Paul to either London, England, or Lanai, Hawaii
  45. Do you have a special talent?
    Being a pain-in-the-ass.
  46. Where were you born?
    Maine Medical Center
  47. Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?
    Almost anyone’s answers.
These are my answers to the original quiz received via email from my friend whom I’ve never met face-to-face Kat Majors on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 21:45:54 -0800