Iron Crotch

Off to the Iron Crotch Bike Ride… more details to follow.


The day was mostly cloudy with a little drizzle; until I got to about mile fifteen of the twenty-five mile loop when a heavy rain started.  I got throughly soaked, even though I was wearing rain gear.

Since the twenty-five mile loop started in a farm yard, and there was no one around when I returned to the car, I stripped off all my biking gear and got into some dry clothes.  Once I started off towards home, got the seat heater turned all the way up to five and the heater turned up to MAX I was warm and an home in no time.

I made Coconut Cranberry Chews to bring to the ride, and the lady who was handing them out at the rest stop said that people really liked them.

Definitely need a better coat with insulation if I’m going to ride in a cold rain like that again…

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