Is that right

This page I scanned out of the Hazelden recovery catalog contained an interesting caution (Lower right corner, click the image to see it in full size):

Note: Because these movies contain scenes of individuals using alcohol and drugs, they may be inappropriate for viewing by individuals in treatment or recovery.

That’s quite an interesting thing to include in a catalog that is primarily distributed to people in treatment or recovery…or professionals who work in the treatment profession.

Maybe they haven’t read this paragraph in the big book:

Assuming we are spiritually fit, we can do all sorts of things alcohollics are not supposed to do.  People have said we must not go where liquor is served; we must not have it in our homes; we must shun friends who drink; we must avoid moving pictures which show drinking scenes; we must not go into bars; our friends must hide their bottles if we go to their houses; we mustn’t think or be reminded about alcohol at all. (p.100, Alcoholics Anonymous).

I know from personal experience that they show some of these movies as part of some treatment programs, so the warning seems like a total CYA move on the part of Hazelden.  I guess it’s because they can’t guarantee “Spiritual Fitness” as an outcome of their treatment regimen.