Mistakes were made

I was listening to This American Life episode #354 about apologies that aren’t really sincere and at the end of the show, they talked about a poem by William Carlos Williams called, “This is Just to Say,” which they indicated could be considered the touchstone for the insincere apology.  They had David Rackoff, Sarah Vowell, and some others read some very funny variations of the poem.

They suggested that you could Google “this is just to say” spoof and find many variants on this thread.  I especially liked two very funny ones at cracked.com,

This Is Just To Say….

I had sex with your sister
on our wedding day
I was just so full of happiness and love

I knew one day
we could look back on this
and laugh

and by one day, I mean that day
and by we, I mean I
and by laugh, I mean laugh


This Is Just To Say….

I ran over your cat
forgive me
he just looked so retarded
although he was born that way

his eyes were crossed
his tail was bent
would have wanted it this way

If it makes you
feel better
it took me three tries
to catch him


  1. This is just to say…

    I planted
    the device
    that blew up
    your clinic

    You did abortions
    they told me
    I don’t know
    I’m not very political

    Forgive me
    but they offered
    good money
    and I have debts

  2. This is Just to Say

    I cleaned
    the toilet
    with your toothbrush

    and which
    you probably expected
    to be clean
    each morning

    Forgive me
    it worked great
    so pink
    and so stiff

  3. Stupid pro-life people always have to suck the fun out of everything.

  4. “homewrecker.”

    this is just to say

    i have taken
    your husband
    as a lover
    and i know you need him.
    but last night
    i needed
    him too.
    he has a gentle touch,
    and i can
    clearly see,
    how you two are so

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