Once a fireman always a fireman

Ok guys,

I was disoriented yesterday, I think it may have been a reaction to a bee sting, don’t really know but I’m good this AM so all is well.

So I’m out at Andys, I am working on a chevy blazer I picked up cheap.  Broken gas line inside the upper intake manifold.  I make the repair and the motor is hydro locked with gas in one of the cylinders so I pull out the spark plugs on the drivers side and hit the key – blows all the gas out and ignites.  The whole front of the truck is on fire, I jump out, run to the garage, grab an extinguisher and put the fire out.  Paul is standing there with this incredulous look on his face and I say – Paul, no big deal man, that’s why they call it a blazer.  I’m still laughing… This all one week after Andy told me he always pulls the pins on all of the fire extinguishers when I come in the driveway.

Just writing the story has me laughing so hard I have tears running down my face and I had to go blow my nose…

email from Dave Norling, Fri, 20 Jul 2012 03:50:57 -0700

An email from dave the next morning after he showed up on Thursday evening with only half of his gear to go bike riding.