Penniless engineer or mindless corporate shill?

While reading the January 2004 IEEE Spectrum, I noticed that the guy that they had been touting as a penniless engineer looked familiar.  This advertisement has been in the Spectrum for some time, but it really hit me that he looked familar.  Where have I seen this picture before?  Then it hit me; this is the same guy that prompted my post: Has this guy been living under a rock?  So what is the truth?  Is this guy really a penniless engineer that got some help from IEEE travel services; or, is he just a guy that hasn’t ever touched a MS Windows machine?  Take a look at the pictures, especially the backgrounds, and you be the judge.  I especially like the way the IEEE version has him smiling and the negative has been reversed so all the writing is backwards.

Has this guy been living under a rock?Is this a penniless engineer?