
Strange as it may seem to you, there exists a mystic power that is able to transform your life so thoroughly, so radically, so completely, that when the process is completed your own friends would hardly recognize you, and, in fact, you would scarcely be able to recognize yourself….

It can lift you out of an invalid’s bed, make you sound and well once more, and free to go out into the world to shape your life as you will.  It can throw open the prison door and liberate the captive.  It has as magical healing balm for the bruised or broken heart.

This mystic Power can teach you all things that you need to know, if only you are receptive and teachable…

… The existence of this Power is already well known to thousands of people in the world today, and has been known to certain enlightened souls for tens of thousands of years.  This Power is really no less than the primal Power of Being, and to discover that Power is the Divine birthright of all men….

But where, it will naturally be asked, is the wonderful, mystic Power to be contacted?  Where may we find it? and how is it brought into action?  The answer is perfectly simple—This Power is to be found within your own consciousness, the last place that most people would look for it.  Right within your own mentality there lies a source of energy stronger than electricity, more potent than high explosive; unlimited and inexhaustible.  You only need to make conscious contact with this Power to set it working in your affairs; and all the marvelous results enumerated can be yours….

Emmet Fox, Power Through Constructive Thinking, Pgs 1-3 excerpted