Road ID

When Jill and I rode the Tour of Lakes ride on Saturday, 6 June, 2009, I picked up a flyer for a thing called Road ID which is a cuff you can wear on your wrist or ankle when you are riding or running that has your contact information so that emergency personnel can get information about you from your loved ones.

I thought that it was a good idea and ordered one so that when I’m riding I don’t have to carry my other identification.

After I ordered, I got a coupon code from Road ID, and here’s the info:

We are thrilled to have you as a customer and hope that we can count on you to spread the word about Road ID.  In fact, to make it fun to spread the word, we created a unique coupon for you pass along to your friends!  Here’s the coupon number:

Coupon Number: ThanksJonathan500099

This coupon is good for $1 off any Road ID order.  It can be used up to 20 times in the next 30 days (19-July).  Feel free to send this coupon via email, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, town crier, or good ole fashion smoke signal.

I got a note that it shipped today, so I should get it soon.  I’ve been impressed with their site and their communications during the process, so I’m guessing that it will be a good product.

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