- Pete Sir
- Most say pizza
- Aaahch
- A tourist attraction in St. Louis
- Cotton
- You buy milk in it
- Seen Ya
- Last year of school
- Holly
- An excellent motorcycle
- Budded Con
- Corn on the cob with butter
- Baahnnie
- A famous purple dinosaur
- Ah
- Letter between q and s
- Lodge
- Opposite of small
- Bah Rum
- Bar room
- Wicked Boah
- A not-so-interesting person
- Southie
- Someone from South Boston
- Bah Bah
- He cuts your hair
- Bub Bluh
- Water fountain
- Awed
- Opposite of even
- Khakis
- Start your car with them
- Pita is a Cheetah
- Peter cheated on a test
- Spar
- Ma and Pa convenience store
- Seltz
- Our basketball team
- The Hub
- Boston: The world revolves around here
- Haahd
- Opposite of soft
- Boston Tea Potty
- Precursor to American Revolution
- Clabbids
- Wood boards that cover many houses here
- Mahtch
- Month between Feb and April
- Foddy Doll Us
- $39.99 plus one cent
- How Ah Ya?
- Boston greeting
- Have Id
- Famous University in Cambridge
- Packy
- Buy liquor or 6-pack there
- Haahd Licka
- Gets you drunk (wicked hammahd) faster than a 6-pack