You are not alone

The tide seems to have turned on the general acceptance that we aren’t the beginning and ending of intelligent life in the universe.  First at the end of April (25th) Stephen Hawking said, “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”  Then in the June issue of Smithsonian the following appeared, “I’ve always wondered what kind of conclusion might be drawn by future (perhaps nonhuman) paleontologists who unearth the remains of a museum and find skeletons of dinosaurs gathered there?  Finding that they crewed seagoing vessels will confuse matters even more.”  Talking about some remains that went down during WWI.

If we’re getting this kind of press now that there have been reports about findings of planets in the universe that can support life, perhaps there is hope for mankind after all.