Rosemary Rolls


  • 3 envelopes dry yeast (6¾ teaspoons)
  • 3½ cups warm water
  • 9 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 Tablespoon salt
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • ½ cup dried rosemary
  • ½ cup coarse sea salt


  1. Combine yeast and water, mix well so yeast is dissolved.  Add flour and 1 tablespoon of salt; mix and knead well until dough is shiny and elastic.
  2. Put dough into mixing bowl and let rise for 2 hours.  Put a plastic bag over the the bowl to prevent a skin from forming and to retain moisture.
  3. After the dough has risen, punch dough down making sure there are no air bubbles remaining.
  4. Prepare cookie sheets by lining with parchment paper and sprinkling generously with rosemary and sea salt.
  5. Portion dough into whatever shape rolls you would like, then dip each one into olive oil and place on the prepared baking sheet.  Let rolls rise again until doubled in size.
  6. Bake in preheated 350F oven until golden brown, about 25 minutes.  They are at their best when served warm.
Source: Doreen Jordan


Yield: 30 rolls

These rolls do not keep well as the sea salt draws moisture from the air and they become soggy.

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