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Uh duh

Talk about lawyers making a corporation CYA to reduce liability lawsuits.I wonder how they expect anyone to drink their product when they tell you point the product away from your face?Diet Dr. Pepper bottle
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Blood sucking insects

Chiggers and Ticks and Lice, Oh My…Seems like I hear more and more about little blood sucking insects being on the rise, like Chiggers, and Ticks, and Lice, and Bedbugs.Are we making the planet uninhabitable […]
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No day is like any other day.  Isn’t that interesting?  And you never know what the next day will bring, and that’s exciting.Alpha English
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“Time is that quality of nature which keeps events from happening all at once.  Lately it doesn’t seem to be working.AnonymousTime is an illusion.  Lunchtime doubly so.Douglas AdamsPeople find life entirely too time-consuming.Stanislaw J. Lec